Rick Walker, President & CEO (Founder) of GAMA
Rick has over 25 years experience in automotive manufacturing including senior operational and administrative roles in both supplier and professional services organizations. He is a graduate engineer and registered patent attorney, and has a strong background in mergers and acquisitions. He is the author of numerous published articles on innovation, quality, and profitability. Rick is an Attorney and Partner at Clements Bernard Walker PLLC (patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret law; and trade association law).
Rick was named one of the "Latest Generation of Atlanta CEOs and Power Brokers”, by the Atlanta Journal Constitution; has been awarded the SIBF International Entrepreneur of the Year Award; and was named the "Automotive Leader of the Year" by the State of Georgia.
Rick’s automotive experience includes the following:
- Engineer with Ford Motor Company
- Top-ranking Executive of a major NYSE-listed Tier 1 automotive supplier - product offering included various metal products, blow-molded and metal fuel tanks and fuel systems, plastic trim, turbochargers, fans and fan drives, and battery components
- Partner-level responsibility and experience in such diverse product areas as automotive electrical, electronic and computer systems; sealers and adhesives; vehicle seating; wheel trim; shock absorbers; emissions control technology; engine components; and vehicle electric storage battery systems
Rick currently serves on the Boards of Directors of two privately held companies, the North Fulton Bar Association where he is a former President, and other Advisory Boards of primarily emerging-growth for-profit companies.
Davis Woodruff, Vice President of Professional Development of GAMA
» President, Management Methods, Inc.
Davis M. Woodruff grew up on a family farm in rural southern Alabama. His family also owned and operated a “country store.” From this background he earned an engineering degree from Auburn University, became a Professional Engineer and Certified Management Consultant. He was a manufacturing executive with 3M for ten years and became the youngest manufacturing superintendent in the company, led the team that produced the first home video films in the U.S., and assisted with a plant start-up in Europe.
As a certified management consultant, professional engineer, published author, and professional speaker, Davis Woodruff brings immediate benefits to businesses. These benefits include developing leaders; optimizing resource utilization; improving processes, quality and customer satisfaction; and saving time and $$$.
Davis formed a management consulting company, Management Methods, in 1984 and has served over 140 clients in 35 states and on 3 continents. Davis is an internationally recognized expert in showing companies how to be the low cost, high quality, environmentally responsible leader in their industry. From Vermont to Malaysia Davis’ clients include BP, GM, TS Tech, MCM, 3M, Tyco and scores of other large and small organizations. He has served numerous automotive industry clients throughout the U.S. where he has guided the development and deployment of ISO/TS Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, statistical methods, lean principles, problem solving, RCA, and other similar processes.
Having authored over six dozen articles, a full-length book, Taking Care of the Basics: 101 Success Factors for Managers, a 58-minute DVD, two CD programs, two e-books, and seven onlineprofessional development courses, Davis is always on the cutting edge of today’s business world. His video, “Focus on Fundamentals—a Manager’s Guide to the Ten Essentials”, aired on Business Vision Network, along with programs by Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Tom Peters, and Ken Blanchard. Over fifty of Davis’ articles may be found at http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Davis_Woodruff.
Davis has been married to Lynn since 1970 and they have two daughters, two sons-in-law, two grandchildren and one dog. He is actively involved with his family, in his community and in his church, where he teaches a Bible Study class of adults each week.
Julio Gonzalez, Vice President of Strategic Development of GAMA
Julio C. Gonzalez, is an entrepreneur currently on his third career as President of RCAL, a residential construction contractor.
Prior to RCAL Julio served as President and Chief Compliance Officer of Miramar Securities, a full-service securities brokerage firm. With vast leadership experience, he is responsible for motivating and enhancing productivity of sales teams, as well as maximizing relationships, while leveraging broad industry experience and employing cost containment measures.
He attended Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, and is a 12-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps.